Tuesday, July 20, 2010

How to Talk to a Girl on the Telephone

Talking to a girl on the phone the first few times is not easy, especially if it is girl you might like. Making a good impression on the phone is important in the beginning of a friendship or relationship. Especially if you are somebody who is not comfortable on the telephone or talking to girls in general, you may need to do some preparation before picking up the phone. Make the telephone call count for you instead of against you.

If you know how to treat a girl right--you'll have her on your arm before you expect it. It's a process; just make some progress: don't press for any specific goal. Unreasonable pressure is intimidating and may make you seem rude and thoughtless. You should be kind, nice, gentle and sweet thoughtful, but not just flattering--learn how here--and see what else you find helpful in this section

Step 1

Prepare for the call by having a specific reason and goal. Do not just call to pass the time, at least in the beginning. A good reason to call is to set up a face-to-face meeting, which is where you should do all the serious talking
It's all about confidence!! Maintain the attitude that she is lucky that you like her (make sure you are making her laugh)--and if she doesn't see that she is lucky--well, there are plenty of girls who will. Ok, gotta say, that's not true. Sometimes YOU'RE the lucky one.t. It shouldn't kill your confidence; if anything
            The first dating idea for any man is to make a good impression. In your doing so, you don't have to talk, dress or do the common things that all the Toms do to get a decent girl's attention. Be unique, that's all you need. Be a man of his own style. Dress decently - indecency can make one be mistaken for arrogance; watch your language - obscene language gives the impression of immaturity, being uncultured and cheap; be a man of good habits - don't drink or smoke like any other loser

Step 2

Be polite and respectful. As you talk to a girl on the telephone, listen to what she has to say, and answer her questions truthfully and honestly.
Work up to that special one when you have had some good results with this process (and feel like it). Having butterflies in your large intestine, and a catch or shake in your voice is fine; just don't give up or fall back just because it makes you feel shaky: that is actually a sign that she is impressive to you--tell her that she impresses you if you want to. Be prepared to tell "what and why" you notice her (to show that you mean it).

Step 3

When calling a girl on the phone, keep the conversation short and sweet, and don't talk about anything too serious. Do not stay on the phone long enough for the conversation to go stale.
The opening line. there is this awesome word, known as HELLO. HI works too. If you want to be casual, go with HEY. once you get past that, make her laugh. don't try to hard, just, make her laugh.

Step 4

Leave her with a good final impression. Make her laugh by saying something funny before getting off the phone, and tell her you look forward to seeing her.
             Compliment her. Make a compliment about her clothes. And--don't say them one after the other! Don't say it like "WHOA YOU HAVE SUPER PRETTY EYES" This will scare her off just make it seem subtle yet genuine. Say something like "Nice shoes". You can also go with a bit of humor and say something like "Wow your pants look like they fit!". <---no. thats the worst thing to say to a girl, unless your looking to get slapped. you wanna get slapped? say that.

Step 5

Get to know her. Ask about her hobbies and interests. This will make you seem as if though you truly care about her. Make sure to keep eye contact with her and actually listen. This may lead to ideas for a date. but be kind of suttle about it. don't just come out and say "SO WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES" you may not necessarily get slapped, but your sure to loose some brownie points.

Step 6

Close the deal. When you sense that both of you are having a great time ask for her number. A good line is "Hey, I really enjoyed talking to you I would love to talk again, could I have your number?"<--- (no. just say "hey ____ (name there) can i have your number? add some of your own spice to it. don't make it look like your reading a script! just don't be to spicy...comments like "HEY BEAUTIFUL, I'D LIKE TO CALL YOU UP SOMETIME, BUT I DON'T HAVE YOUR AMAZING NUMBER....COULD I GET IT?" are gonna get you slapped. again.) Sometimes you may be denied but do not be discouraged because everyone gets rejected. (<---don't go in there, thinking your gonna get rejected. OR YOU WILL BE. take it slow

Why Girls Don’t Talk To Me    

Maybe out of all the Untemplater pillars, I picked the one least likely to impress a girl at a bar. I mean, who wouldn’t find you interesting if you talked about how you are living overseas for the indefinite future because you have created significant mobile income? What chick wouldn’t flounder if you showed off your passion for creating businesses and showing that you could successfully sustain them? I just don’t get why girls don’t think the Roth IRA, the 401(K), sub savings accounts, and an emergency fund are as cool as sipping coffee on the beach while working on your laptop in some foreign and remote location. Maybe I am just not supposed to understand girls.

With the internet making it so easy to build and join a community of likeminded indviduals, its become seemingly difficult to find things in common on spec with the people we meet in real life. I find myself in an uncommon situation of having little to say sometimes. Nicole wrote a great bit about dating in the digital era a few weeks ago. It sure ain’t easy for me at times, especially if I am brewing to talk about the most recent thing I read online, only to find out that the girl I am going on a second date with has already read the article off of my twitter feed or on facebook. She likely knows my opinion about it, and its totally possible she can give two shits about “The Ten Coolest Tax Tips”.

So, you tell me… what do I talk to girls about?
Personal Finance? (off limits)

Comic books? (not unless I want to be looked down upon for the next hour – off limits)

Sex? (depends how many drinks she has had… if its happy hour – off limits)

Myself and how awesome I am? (that usually gets most guys REAL far, right? – off limits)

The moral of the story is: You have to have balance (or if you choose to be unbalanced, make sure you are focused on something cool as hell that will impress, engage and enthrall members of the opposite sex in conversation). Setting aside time to read something OTHER than your niche blogs can only help you to improve as a person. Sometimes we are so engrained in the things that we enjoy, that we forget that there is a world of possibilities out there with things we are yet to discover.

Who knows if one of those things you have been “too busy” to try isn’t the opportune conversation starter the next time you meet someone new?


If the girl doesn't like you and SHE says it, don't keep pressuring her, you'll look like a stalker. If she tells you, don't say "It's your loss."

Also remember that each girl is different - therefore, there is no specific set of steps to magically get all girls you like to like you The reason she likes you is because she likes you for who you are. So just be yourself; no one likes a poser.

When giving a girl compliments, make sure not to over-do it. Tell her you like her.

If she looks at you a lot, she may like you, but she also may be looking to see if you like her, so don't take it the wrong way... You might casually ask her who she is hanging out with if you are not in many of her classes, or if you share a couple of friends that are in a few of her classes, but not many of yours, then ask her about them. If she talks about someone often, then she probably does not like you that way, but thinks of them that way instead.

The worst thing you can do is get too attached during this whole process. Even if it seems like a sure chance that she'll take you doesn't necessarily mean you guys are getting married so don't make her regret it! If you get too attached it'll only hurt you more if she decides to break up with you for any reason.

If you do make it to the stage of a relationship, don't act like you're married! Just because you're in a relationship doesn't mean you're the main guy in her life, it takes time to build up, in a way sort of like starting over, so keep your cool but show her she's stepped up a couple in your rank of close people.

If she tries avoiding you, or it seems like it, try and back off a little bit and see if she avoids you less often. If she keeps avoiding you, then you should try finding someone different, because she probably doesn't want to be yours.

If you make the mistake of talking to her for the first Time over a web chat or email, DO NOT PANIC if she seems creeped out. She is just surprise you're finally talking, and even more surprised it's online. There still might be a chance you can have her, just do as you'd normally do and talk to her as if it never happened. If she's uncomfortable, back off until she settles down again. Don't freak out if you hear that shes going out with a guy;it may be just a rumor!

In most cases, if you pick on her and pretend you hate her, then she will never like you. She'll think that you do not like her, so she won't like you.

NEVER say to a girl that she is hot, this is the worst thing you can do. Girls get very uncomfortable when boys say things like "hot" or "sexy". Say she is pretty or beautiful instead.